Exploring Emotions

Can you dive deeper to explore more emotions that might be occurring when you want to eat, but are not physically hungry? In your exploration you might discover times when you are not physically hungry, but you can’t identify or pinpoint the feeling. You might also find that you know you are not physically hungry, but also not ready to dive in and process the emotion that you discovered. Both situations are okay and with practice you will be able to identify the emotion and start to explore it further. One of the most challenging times you might face in deciphering your physical hunger is when you’re not sure. Could be yes, could be no. Can I get a maybe? One tip: if you are not sure, chances are high that you are not actually physically hungry. In wading through the yes, no or maybe, I suggest making a list of your top three “go-tos” to engage you while you wait to be sure of hunger. They have to be quick, accessible and easy. The idea is to first hydrate yourself, so you cover the possibility of only being thirsty, then busy yourself with something fun and stimulating for a … Continue reading Exploring Emotions